Unemployment total numbers down as weekly unemployment numbers go up. It does not make a bit of since. Is there anyone in Washington who might be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide? How about the media same question. I know I am not the brightest bulb in the box but why am I the only one who can see this, or am I missing something?
The White House reports that over the last 2 years America has lost 8 million jobs and the media (all media) simply reports the very same numbers without investigating the facts. The fact of the matter is that no one is checking the numbers.
Everyone uses the term weekly jobless numbers on average we lose over 450,000 jobs a week, pay attention here is where it get very complicated, for I will be using math;
8,000,000 / 24 = 333,333 people out of work in each month for 2 years. Now the 450,000 number
450,000 x 4 = 1,800,000 people out of work in each month for 2 years.
1,800,000 x 12 = 21,600,000 people out of work in each month for 1 year.
Ok, in the last 2 years the Obama administration states that we have lost 8 million jobs all the while the numbers as posted by the media were over 450,000 jobs a week that is 1,800,000 jobs a month and for one year the total job lose in my estimates are more like 21,000,000 jobs lost.
With the White House numbers there were only 333,333 jobs lost each month but the weekly jobless numbers were over 450,000. It make no since what so ever, please help me out if you can. Try to explain these numbers to me, if you can.
American Blog Dog needs your help to make me understand. If anyone can email me all the year 2009 weekly job lose numbers that is 52 in total so America can try to get some truthful answers to get a better understanding of the unemployment crisses that has pleaged America.
Thank you
Semper Fi
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