Monday, June 6, 2011

Al Qaeda Tells US Muslims to 'Buy Guns and Start Shooting People'‎

American born Adam Gadahn (terrorist) a spokesmen for Al Qeada releases a two hour video calling on all U.S. Muslims to buy weapons at U.S. gun shows and start killing Americans with individual attacks at will.
American Blog Dog proposes that all who take part in selling guns at gun shows stop selling guns and all weapons to all Muslims in the United States. Until we can figure out or weed out these potencial future terrorist. We need the help of American Muslims who are loyal to America that came here to seek a better life bacause of the greatness of this country. This would be a start to stopping this form of terrorism from ever taking place. This move would not be a racist one but one of a national security issue. 

American Blog Dog calls on all Proud Americans who sell any guns or weapons at U.S. gun shows to refuse to sell any weapon of any kind to any Muslim in the United States. 
We need these two men captured or killed, we need Muslim leaders to stand up as Americans and condemn the violence on all races for all man deserves peace.  
So I say if you do sell any weapons to these future terrorist and those weapons are used in anyway to kill Americans then you the seller should be labeled as a terrorist yourself for conspiring and aiding the enemy with the means to carry out these terrorist attacks on the American People. Do the right thing for America not just your profit.
                Adam Gadahn Al Qeada Spokesman (Terrorist)

This American born wannabe terrorist needs to be dealt with in the exact same fassion as Osama Bin Laden (a bullet to the brain) along with this American terrorist;

The Video
Anwar Nasser Abdulla Aulaqi (Terrorist) 

Anwar al-Awlaki another American born wannabe terrorist needs to join his friend Osama Bin Laden at the bottom of the ocean as fish food.

American Blog Dog
Supports Our Troops!!!
Semper Fi