Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Do Not Be Fooled New USPS Celebrates Muslim Holiday


Apparently they think that putting hearts and butterflies on it will make most people not realize that the rest is Arabic and probably not something we want to support.

New Stamp - the second one!!!

USPS New 44-Cent Stamp Celebrates a Muslim holiday.
If there is only ONE thing you forward today... let it be this!
President Obama has directed the United States Postal Service to REMEMBER and HONOR the EID MUSLIM holiday season with a new commemorative 44-Cent First Class Holiday Postage Stamp.
REMEMBER to adamantly & vocally BOYCOTT this stamp, when you are purchasing your stamps at the post office.
All you have to say is"No thank you, I do not want that Muslim Stamp on my letters!"
To use this stamp would be a slap in the face to all those AMERICANS who died at the hands of those whom this stamp honors.

~REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of Pan Am Flight 103!

~REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993!

~REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon !

~REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Military Barracks in Saudi Arabia !

~REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American Embassies in Africa !

~REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!

~REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on 9/11/2001!

~REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks!

Pass this along to every Patriotic American that you know and get the word out!
Honor the United States of America


Wal-Mart Tows Away 18th District Candidates Vehicle

It sounds like you got the chance to meet several people today, an opportunity that was God-Given. We had prayed that people would get to know the real Dave Daubenmire, not the one who is portrayed in the Mainstream Media. When current public officials and people who have prominence in business and other areas of a community will meet with you then this indicates that you are not perceived by them as someone on the fringe as the media would portray you. All of this is good. Mike opened doors for you yesterday, and today more doors opened.

We had planned to always have someone with you to photograph you, in effect to be our own media coverage. What this does is take full advantage of the fact that community leaders and regular people as well see the real Dave Daubenmire and realize that the media portrayal is incorrect. If we had someone with you today to record the events of the day, then it helps A LOT to build momentum as we publicize the pictures and short videos of the daily events on facebook and youtube. The more people can see you getting out and getting in touch with the people, the more good will and VOTES that it builds.

Coach, I appreciate that fact that you want to give us a rest, but we missed a golden opportunity today to get some good pictures and video. You and your wife can, and should, ride together as we go around whenever possible, and we can follow you and do our "media coverage" when we stop. This is really important, especially down the stretch. It will do more than you might think. We can go hard for this short time before the primary, and should.

I'm copying everyone in the Braintrust and inviting feedback. Ideas anyone? Agree? Disagree? We need to put our heads togeter every day, even if only by email, so we can finsh this thing strong and win.

Coach, if you win next Tuesday, you have a core of people and enough time to plan so that victory in November is extremely realistic.
I'm fighting to keep our country. I think there is a real possibility of losing it. I believe everyone in our group feels the same way.
If you've read this far, thanks for doing so and I'm looking forward to hearing what you think.
