Saturday, October 22, 2011

Final Farwell To Iraq Closing Down "The War Is Over"

Nearly ten years and over 4,000 Lives lost the Iraq War has ended and all U.S. Troops will be home by years end according to President Obama. This is good news isn't it or is it bitter sweet? It is according to who you ask sure it is great that our men and woman are finally coming home but is that getting their hopes up? Parents are joyful over the news but is it time to celebrate?

Our military have done and continues to do an outstanding job in Iraq and America salutes you one and all. If you are getting out soon you may be safe but what about the personnel who still have two or three years left, who goes to Afghanistan when does that war end or does it. Do we increase forces in Afghanistan? Once U.S. Forces pull out of Iraq the situation will undoubtedly become chaos with no stability from a formed government or a strong military. 

New terrorist organizations and old ones are planning possibly a final attack but most definitely they are planning on who is going to take control of Iraq with all U.S. Forces are out of that country.
You can't stop terrorism but you can put a dent in it as we have shown but ending the war is just the beginning of a new chapter in the "War On Terror" No matter the outcome to this war, Afghanistan or any other war America finds her self in we must take the fight to them in their country on their soil or they will come to us in terrorist attacks in our country on our soil, in your back yard.

God Bless America!!!
God Bless Our Troops!!!
Support Our Troops!!!

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