Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jihed Muslims In American Prisons

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It is no secret that our 44th President is Muslim. President Obama has stated this fact in his own words, but not until he won the election for President of the United States. During his campaign in 2008 it had a somewhat taboo atmosphere in the air to speak of his true name, Barack Hussein Obama.

You were almost concidered a racist if you used his middle name. So how about this Blog doggers; lets jump back to September 11, 2001 when we were so viciously attacked by radical Muslim extremist on a mission to kill as many American's as they possible could. So many POW's were sent to Cuba, Guantanamo Bay or Gitmo after the start of the Iraq and Afghanistan war. We have allowed them to pray and practice their religon which is to kill anyone that is not a muslim. I am not saying that all Muslims feel this way but the Gitmo Detainees sure as hell feel this way.

Now to the present day of American prisons and American prisoners who convert to Islam and become Muslim. In American prisons today so many inmates have converted to Muslim and are being released back into society with their hate towards any religion that is not Islam not to mention their animosity for America since we locked them up and spilled some water on them to save American lives.

The curent administration the Obama Administration the 44th President of the United States wants to close down the facility in Cuba Guantanamo Bay. What will this do to America especially if President Obama gets his way and the detainees move into the American prison system.

Maybe President Obama does not fully understand or lacks the maturity nor has the life experience to grasp the series of events that are possible if this is carried forward.

Well that is where all hell breaks lose. Lets say that President Obama does in fact get the bill passed that closes down Gitmo and the detainees are intrograted into the American prison system then you will have Muslim Jihad extremist mingling with other inmates who have lost their way and are drawn towards an Jihad extremist?
Do you remember that President Obama stated that America should have a civilian security froce that is equal to and as well funded as the military. Could this be the security force that President Obama might have been talking about?

What civilian force needs to be as strong as the military that President Obama would ever have a use for? This is a question you need to ask yourself;

1. What is the real purpose for the closing of Gitmo?

2. Why does America need a civilian security force?

3. What will be the Security Force purpose if America has the strongest military the world has ever seen?

4. What will happen when American Jihedist Muslims get out of prison and infiltrate back into society and back into the gang life for which they were sent to prison in the first place.

These are questions that need to be asked on behalf of the Obama Administration.

Is there any other reason for this insane move to be carried forward? No there is not, no matter how I review the situation the outcome is the same, one reason. I do give a second reason but it still falls in line as the same above; Gitmo detainees will be tried in U.S. Courts, they will have their Maranda rights read to them, and way they are not U.S. citizens. National Security will be brought to the forefront and National secrets will be exposed and not for the greater good of the country.

We will not have any evidence against these detainees for the reason that it was never collected, at least not in a fashion that it could be used in a courtroom but only in a military tribunal.
America you have a responsiblity to yourself and to America. We must educate ourselves and realize that your country is being sold, barrowed against right under your nose. Do you realize that everything you do not do will effect your children and your grandchildren and maybe your great grandchildren.

God Bless America

Semper Fi

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