Friday, November 6, 2009


Friday, September 25, 2009

This is the latest teachings in your schools that your tax dollars are paying for.

Tell the children to stay in school and not to do drugs should be the massage for a young child not a political agenda.

Reading, Writting and Arithmetic are what the schools used to teach our children. You can not pray in school but you can believe in false idols (President Obama) and it is encourged in my opinion. And the way the children are taught a subject is idiotic.

It used to be that 2+2=4 (well that part is true) but the way you have to solve the problem is the problem.

Now somthing like this;

2+2=9-1=8 / 2=4+11=15 / 3=5 you get the picture. WHY!

No wonder kids drop out of school at an alarming rate.

What can be done?

1. Get rid of teachers that waste tax payer Dollars teaching our children that a man is all powerful even though he is the President.

2. Get rid of teachers that waste tax payer Dollars teaching our children that a man is all powerful even though he is the President.

3. Get rid of teachers that waste tax payer Dollars teaching our children that a man is all powerful even though he is the President.

Here is the song the teachers taught the children instead of teaching the material that makes America strong prepares them for their future, not material for political gain.

This is America not Germany. It is 2009 not 1939. These are your children, America's children, America's Youth, not Hitler's Youth, and Obama needs to worry about more serious issues then our youth.

We, I , America, does not know his true intentions as president, and the power that comes with it could lead to good but not understanding it can evolve into a country we as American's would not reconize.

Be careful America, watch your children closely, get involved in their activities, read the books and material they are required to read, approve the content and share it with other parents.

Teach your children, for if you don't then maybe the wrong teacher will and I promise you this the teacher will have a very captive audience.

Song 1.

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand

To make this country strong again

Mmm,mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today

Equal work means equal pay

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must take a stand

To make sure everyone gets a chance

Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama


Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

Song 2.

Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!

For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"

Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one!

The first black American to lead this great nation!

Hooray, Mr. President, we honor your great plans

To make this country's economy number one again!

Hooray, Mr. President we're really proud of you!

And we stand for all Americansunder the great Red, White and Blue!

So continue......... Mr. President we know you'll do the trick

So here's a hearty hip-hooray....

Hip, hip hooray!

Hip, hip hooray!

Hip, hip hooray!

Welcome to the new America, and it is happening right in front of us and we as the people demand so much more for our children then to sing songs of a President who is for Socialism, spreading the wealth (which means you do the work and pay me for doing nothing).

Semper Fi

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