Friday, November 6, 2009

Cash For Clunkers

Talk about Government waste, this is a very stupid idea. destroying perfectly good cars so you can get $4,500.00 from the government towards a new car. The economy is in such bad shape and you want to spend $25,000-$30,000 for a new car because you got $4,500. You must have voted for Obama and it shows.
The bank is going to end up with your new car when you lose your job later this year, oops there goes your good credit score.I need a new car, a truck actually but when this is all over there will none of these cars left for me to buy, so my car will continue to leak anti-freeze, oil, transmission fluid, break fluid and any other fluid my old car can not contain. It over heats everyday and i drive with the heat on so I can get where I am going.

I have a 1992 mercury sable, please take it and give me $4,500.00 to buy a new used truck. It will get better gas mileage and the emissions are better (less pollution), not to mention that the money will or would have been spent in my community. I guess that is not the kind of spread the wealth President Obama had in mind.
Go ahead and get further in debt if you think you can afford another payment, it will bite you in the ass and will bite me in the ass.

Now my business goes out of business because I can not afford a new car and allot of newer used cars are now in the junk yard as scrap.I am a Marine Veteran who served in Kuwait and Somalia (the forgotten conflict) and I'd like to personally thank President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and so many others for a job well done! No one in the history of this great country has ever succeeded in the destruction of a nation faster then the 3 mentioned above!!!


Semper Fi Marines

P.S. Who actually gave Government Motors (GM) permission to use our tax dollars to buy cars?

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